Reflecting on Community
Where is your place?
What story would you tell of community?
We chose this image because it reminded us of varied activities and odd shape of communities, and also of a communal meal or shared table.
The artist, Simon Laurie, says this of it.
Found objects, things rejected, lost or disregarded. Now in the hands of the artist they are given a new status like treasure to be cherished and valued.
What does it say to you about community – experienced or hoped for?
Image from the ABC book project by Cat Outram for Mouth of the Shark exhibition, Cork 2021 ©
How do you respond to this image?
You are a ‘stranger’ to many other people – how could you reach out to them?
Image: Rainbow; Magurale, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
There are many different kinds of community. Models from the Christian tradition include:
a pilgrim people (always on the move and fuzzy round the edges)
a body (where each "part" has an important role to play)
a family (in which all are related and cared for)
new monasticism (living by a shared rule of life out in the world)
a rainbow nation (Archbishop Desmond Tutu's phrase)
What kind of community would you feel happy being part of?
What rich expressions of community exist where you are?
Take One Step
Do a random act of kindness for a stranger.
Find out about a local church community, other faith group or community group.
Words for the Heart
We saw a stranger today.
We put food in the eating-place,
drink in the drinking-place,
And music in the listening place.
And in the sacred name of the triune God,
he blessed us and our house,
our cattle and our dear ones.
As the lark says in her song:
often, often, often goes Christ
in the stranger’s guise.
An ancient rune of hospitality
Love one another with a true heart
and be at peace.
If you keep this course,
God will strengthen and help you.
Columba's Final Prayer